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Class Description.



At Phoenix Pole Studio – the most renowned Pole Dancing & aerial arts studio in the Highlands – our classes are designed to suit all types of students, from Beginners to Advanced  and everyone in between. If you are unsure about what class to be in, why not give us a call and we can help you work out the best level for you. 


Each pole dance class is carefully designed to make you a well-rounded pole dancer. We ensure you have the strength and flexibility to perform each new pole move by incorporating conditioning, strength and stretch into each class drawing on a combination of dance, gymnastics, yoga and Pilates exercises. 


We always start barefooted with a warm-up on a yoga mat. Then depending on the class, we put on our heels (or stay barefoot) and get ready for the fun to begin!  Each class consists of a warm up, pole tricks instruction, learning your routine, and a warm down. Each term you will learn a mini routine that combines all the new moves you have learned, with the option of performing one of the routines you have learnt at the end of year showcase for your friends and family. 


At the end of term, your instructor will tell you if you are able to move up to the next level. It's expected that you will repeat some levels, especially as you get to the higher levels, because there are so many skills to learn in pole dance that often one term per level is not enough to fully master the skills you need or to build your strength and flexibility for the requirements of the next level. 


Our Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced terms are all across 10 weeks, and consist of a weekly 1-hour session of intense Pole Instruction combined with Dance-orientated warm-up and cool down. The instructors follow a course schedule of weekly moves that incorporate, turns, lifts, non-weight bearing maneuvers and combinations, so each student gains strength, flexibility and pole confidence to his/her desired level. On completion of each term, the student can then progress to the next level. The classes will generally consist of 1 Instructor and up to 7 students.



It’s a very unpretentious and fun environment where everyone is supportive of each other. And all ages, body shapes and levels of fitness are welcome.

Join us for a free trial! We run our trial classes often so please feel free to call us for more details and dates.

If you have done pole (coming back from break or coming from another studio) it’s best you come in for a grading assessment. Check our website for more details. Our instructor will go through the syllabus with you to assess you in the best level with us.



Pole dancing


Our Absolute Beginners classes are for absolute first-timers and for students who have done a term with us. You will learn basic pole moves and floor work and get a taste for what’s in store!

Our Beginner Level 1 Pole Dancing Class is designed for individuals who have done a couple of terms with us.

These classes focuses on introducing fundamental pole techniques, basic spins, and foundational moves. Our expert instructors provide step-by-step guidance, emphasizing proper form and safety, to help you gain confidence and strength.

Wear comfortable active-wear (with your knees and feet bare/exposed). You can dance in bare foot or in heels.

​No previous dance, strength or flexibility skills required.

We recommend 1-2 classes per week at this level.

Pole dancing


Strengthen your foundation pole moves, build your pole repertoire with new combinations and start to master going upside down! We recommend 2 classes per week at this level. You’ll be feeling fitter, stronger and more flexible and begin to notice muscle tone in places you never knew you had.

We recommend 2-3 classes per week at this level.


​To move to the next level, students should be competent in the straight leg lay-back, invert, open leg jamilla, hello boys and spinning climb.

Pole dancing


Don't be scared - the moves you'll learn may look gravity-defying, but you will be taught them in the safest possible manner, and only once you're ready. 
Learn how to invert from a climb, and how to hang from one leg - upside down!
We recommend 2-3 classes per week at this level.


To move to the next level, students should be competent in lay backs, have a confident climb into an invert, and be able to hold their inside and outside leg hangs.

Pole dancing

P R E - A D V A N C E D

Okay, so by now you're well and truly addicted to pole dancing. Don't worry - we understand. In this course, your desire to learn all the hardest tricks will be satisfied. Focusing on core strength and flexibility to help you perform the most impressive tricks to amaze your friends and family. You must be able to climb and invert confidently, and be confident with your outside and inside leg hangs. Continue to work on your crazily impressive tricks such as Extended Butterfly, Jade Split and Shoulder Mount to name a few.

We recommend 2-3 classes per week at this level.


To move to the next level, students should be able to do the splits and have a fairly flexible back and shoulders. You should be confident in lay backs, have a confident aerial invert into a straddle on both sides, inside/outside leg hangs, superman, ballerina and pole cat climbs. Jade splits, Allegra, ayesha, extended butterfly & handstands on the pole.

Pole dancing


You've made it! Get ready to learn some really cool tricks and put those foundation moves to work. In advanced you'll start playing with super fun splits and strength moves. You must be able to perform impressive tricks such as Extended Butterfly, Jade Split and Shoulder Mount. Continue to work on your crazily impressive tricks such as Brass monkey, Funky monkey, Broken Doll, Aerial Jamilla, Dangerous Bird, Janeiro & Scull crusher


To move to the next level, students should be able to do the splits and have a fairly flexible back and shoulders. You should be confident in shoulder mounts, have a confident aerial invert into a shoulder mount on both sides,Brass monkey, Funky monkey, Broken doll, Aerial Jamilla, Dangerous Bird & Scull crusher.


By this level we recommend doing at least 4 classes per week.

Pole Dancer in Action

INTRO TO POLE CHOREOGRAPHY (Pole Enhancement class)

Love to dance? Choreo is the class for you. In these classes you will learn sexy floor work mixed with beginner pole moves and ways to make your floor work flow as well as the little tricks to make an easy move look tricky, each week you'll learn a fun routine to help enhance your dance skills while getting a great cardio workout at the same time. Classes can be taken as a term or casually and perfectly complement pole dance classes. All levels welcome.

Pole dancing

FLOOR WORK (Pole Enhancement class)

Floor work is a sensual, low-flow, heels class that focuses on fluidity and fine movement quality. Learn the hypnotic art of fluid leg waves, body rolls and interesting threads. This is the perfect class for those who are new or wish to discover Floor dancing. Students will learn a wide variety of fundamental floor moves, seamless yet easy to achieve transitions as well as Low Flows (with a pole). Teachers will break each move down and give students drills that are suitable for their level to practice before progress to something else more advanced.This class is beginner level however it is recommended to have completed our beginners level pole class so you have an understanding of basic pole technique.

All levels welcome.

Lady stretching

FLEXFLOW STRETCH & RESTORE (Pole Enhancement class)

Improve your strength and flexibility. There's more to flexibility than just splatting into your splits! This class will help you develop the strength and flexibility to not only hit those amazing shapes, but to hold them for the real WOW factor.

Take your flexibility to the next level as you learn specific exercises and active stretches designed to strengthen and lengthen your muscles at the same time

We focus on active stretching and building muscle tone so that you can be as flexy as you can be. Classes can be taken as a term or casually and perfectly complement pole dance classes. You don’t need to be a pole dancer to benefit from these classes. All levels welcome.

Lady doing the splits

SPLENDID SPLITS MASTERY (Pole Enhancement class)

Splits eluding you? This class will give you the best opportunity to finally make them your bitch!  This stretch class is dedicated solely to splits; front and middle! You'll work through a series of dynamic, active and passive stretches to lengthen and strengthen your hamstrings and hip flexors and help bring your crotch closer to the floor. Includes exercises to do at home and accountability photos. Classes can be taken as a term or casually and perfectly complement pole dance classes. You don’t need to be a pole dancer to benefit from these classes. All ranges of flexibility or lack thereof are welcome (everyone has to start somewhere!).

Lady doing exercise

COREPOWER, SCULPT (Pole Enhancement class)

Corepower, Sculpt is a total body workout designed to tone, strengthen and reshape your abs, butt, legs and upper body. Work your way through different exercises each week, using a variety of equipment that will challenge your body from head to toe. You'll receive a personalised cross-training experience supercharged with loads of instructor motivation and feedback to keep you inspired and on your toes. This class will leave you feeling stronger, fitter, and ready to take on any challenge!

Classes can be taken as a term or casually and perfectly complement pole dance classes. You don’t need to be a pole dancer to benefit from these classes. All levels welcome.

Lady exercising

STRENGTH & CONDITIONING (Pole Enhancement class)

Strength & Conditioning is a conditioning workout guaranteed to help you conquer your goals and nurture a greater sense of confidence with your pole work. In this class, you will focus on building strength. Students will be shown different ways to increase strength to reach specific pole moves such as inverts, and shoulder mounts, and will be shown how to build resistance for routines. You'll develop strength, endurance and a deeper mind to body connection with specific and targeted exercises on and off the pole. This open-level class is perfect for absolute beginners to advanced polers eager to push their boundaries further than ever before. This class will be 40 - 45 minutes of strength exercises and 15 - 20 minutes of stretching. Classes can be taken as a term or casually and perfectly complement pole dance classes. You don’t need to be a pole dancer to benefit from these classes. All levels welcome.

Dancing girl


Learn all the cheeky, yet, glamorous moves that make Burlesque the fabulous art form that it is. Explore and learn slow and sexy sequences that incorporate traditional props such as fans, and learn to indulge your inner retro lady with pin-up poses, peekaboo's’ and soul shaking shimmies!! The teacher will take you through warm-up, isolation's, technique and finally a routine that will have you reaching for your fishnets and fans to delight your inner Burlesque diva. Classes are set in a beginner friendly and welcoming environment. Classes can be taken as a term or casually and perfectly complement pole dance classes. You don’t need to be a pole dancer to benefit from these classes. All levels welcome.

lady perfoming on aerial silks


Embark on a journey of grace, strength, and aerial artistry with our exhilarating aerial silks classes. Suspended high above the ground, you'll discover a unique form of fitness that combines acrobatics, dance, and sheer creativity.

Under the guidance of our experienced instructors, you will learn the fundamentals of aerial silks technique, building core strength, flexibility, and confidence with each session. Through a series of carefully crafted exercises and sequences, you'll master the art of climbing, wrapping, and posing on the silks, unlocking a world of stunning aerial maneuvers. Classes are set in a beginner friendly and welcoming environment. Classes can be taken as a term or casually and will perfectly complement pole dance classes.  All levels welcome.

lady performing an a lyra


Step into the enchanting world of aerial arts with our captivating Lyra classes. Suspended gracefully in the air, the Lyra, offers a mesmerising fusion of strength, flexibility, and artistic expression. Led by our skilled instructors, our Lyra classes welcome participants of all levels. Through a carefully crafted curriculum, you'll learn the foundations of aerial hoop technique, mastering spins, poses, transitions, and dynamic sequences that will leave you feeling empowered and exhilarated. Discover the thrill of defying gravity as you build core strength, increase flexibility, and refine your balance and coordination. Classes are set in a beginner friendly and welcoming environment. Classes can be taken as a term or casually and will perfectly complement pole dance classes.  All levels welcome.

Aerial yoga class


Experience the harmony of body, mind, and spirit with our invigorating aerial yoga classes. Combining the fluidity of yoga with the grace of aerial arts, our classes offer a unique opportunity to elevate your practice both physically and spiritually. Led by our expert instructors, our aerial yoga classes are suitable for students of all levels, from beginners to seasoned yogis. Using specially designed aerial hammocks, you'll explore traditional yoga poses with added support and freedom, allowing you to deepen stretches, improve alignment, and enhance your overall practice. In our serene studio environment, you'll cultivate strength, flexibility, and balance as you flow through a series of gentle inversions, spinal decompressions, and restorative postures. The aerial hammock becomes your partner in exploration, encouraging mindfulness, relaxation, and a sense of weightlessness as you connect with your breath and release tension. Classes can be taken as a term or casually and will perfectly complement pole dance classes.  All levels welcome.

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